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Monday 30 April 2012

Gattaca post Tyler

In the past few days I have watched the movie Gattaca and read the book House of the Scorpions in the past few months. When watching the movie Gattaca, I realized that it has so many connections between the characters in the movie and the book. Some of the main character in scorpion are: Matt, Maria, Chacho, Fidelito, Tam Lin, Tom and in Gattaca: Vincent, Irene, Jerome, Dr. Lamar, Antonio. Let's start the comparisons of the main characters. In the bookm, Matt has a fiery passion for being different and unique and not being what he it meant or thought to to be, having a deep desire to be more than they were meant to be Matt and Vincent are very similar, as Matt was meant to be a clone for spare parts and Vincent was a non genetically modified human that was supposed to be part of a new under class but both were more than supposed to be and conquered through life to reach there goals. Maria in the book has a very similar character in Gattaca which is Irene. Both of them can always see through people to there real selves and not the ones that the people hide behind and they both love the main characters for who they are and not what they have achieved Tam Lin reminded me of mostly of Jerome, because he would give every thing he has to help the other. I also see a little bit of Tam Lin in Dr. Lamar who even though Vincent should him his real DNA, Dr. Lamar still let him go into space. Antonio in the movie Gattaca is the main character, Vincent's little brother who is unlike Vincent, genetically modified. Through out the movie Antonio is better than Vincent but one day he beats him in a swimming race and saved his life. After that, Vincent had the inspiration to reach for the stars. Antonio reminds me very closely of Tom, Tom in the book is the antagonist and is always thinking that he is more superior to Matt but that is not where the similarities stop the Tom is full of himself and so is Antonio, and also they are both gave the inspiration to the main character to keep going either through pure desire or enragement. Both Matt and Vincent "didn't leave anything for the swim back."

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