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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Celia's Story - Tyler

This article is about a mexican drug fight that caused the US government to shut down two international boarder crossing stations. The Article states that because of this fight between the mexican government and the mexican drug traffickers, they would have harmed more people than they helped by trying to catch all of the drug pedlars. The reason that they harmed people is because of the location. This location was so important to people who are leaving the country because they could not get out of the country and could get killed by: Starvation, Drug wars, and Bandits who hid in bushes to steal all there belongings no mater what even if they have to kill them. Just think about a small family who gambles there lives to give there kids a better life than they had had. Just when the people think the gate to their new life is open it closes right in front of there faces. There was exact family in that fit the description and you probably visualized when the drug fight erupted and they where killed with out a second thought.

This article can relate to the house of the scorpion, not only is the article and book about drugs but in the way that the family wanted a better life for them selfs and there children. This is some-what like El Patron in the way that they all took the initiative to take it upon themselves to work toward a better future, only El Patron was in a more selfish way because he was only working for his self and not others. On the other hand the mexican family was working together to have a brighter future for everyone. You can also look at Celia's experience with boarder crossing, the only difference was Celia didn't have a family to work with it was just her all by her lonesome, but I would not doubt that if Celia had a family she would have thought in the same what as the family in the article did. You can see the total dedication in the story of the family, and that is how you know some one cares for you, they fight for you and your freedom to the last breath they take.

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