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Wednesday 14 March 2012

Chapters 1-9 - Emily

What literary aspect is most interesting to you so far (chapters 1-9). You may want to examine Farmer's setting, characterization, theme development, use of metaphor, figurative language in general, etc. Don't forget to use specific examples and quotations from the novel to support your thinking.

I think the most interesting aspect is how Farmer has developed the characters. Matt has changed so much throughout the book and we keep finding out new and interesting things. He went from not knowing a single thing at all in the very beginning and now he is a smart and interesting character. Matts character has developed so much and i'm sure it will continue to. Other characters have also changed a lot, such as Rosa becoming an eejit. Maria has gone through a lot as well as Tom. 
I find it interesting how Farmer creates the relationships between all of the characters. I find it interesting how Matt is so interested in Maria and she changes her mind so often about her feelings for him. Tom is also intertwined into this relationship, he does mean things to Maria and she never seems to believe that it was Tom who did it. Making Tom usually get away with everything he does no matter how bad it may be. Everything Farmer does with the characters helps to add so much to the book.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post! I like how you describe the little love triangle with Matt, Maria and Tom.

    Emily, I like your idea of Farmers character development, but you should use some quotes from the book to backup your ideas! Use text from the novel to prove and support your point.
