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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Celia's Story - Emily

My article is about a married couple, Agustin is forced to live in Mexico and Ana forced to live in the U.S. Ana has two kids of her own and three grandchildren. At one point Ana was living in the States and her kids were in Mexico. Ana told Agustin he had to help her kids cross the border, illegally. The kids who were 9 and 12, were too young to cross the border with a coyote, people who smuggle illegal immigrants into the U.S. They ended up having to cross 3 borders before making it into the United States and during that time drug smugglers and gang leaders threatened their lives.  With Agustin’s help the kids finally made it into the United States to be reunited with their family. This story is about a family who wants to be reunited and will do anything to make that happen.
This is similar to what Celia went through, though she never actually made it to the United States. Celia was trying to cross the border with coyotes and during that time her life was threatened, just like in this article I found. I can imagine it would have been hard for this family being separated by the border and unable to cross legally. This led them to having to cross illegally to be reunited, making this story more personal. In the book Celia says “No, darling. A man who takes people over the border. You pay him and he helps you go to the United States. Only first you have to cross the Farms.” Celia Shivered. “What an idiot I was! Those people don’t help you go anywhere. They lead you straight to Farm Patrol.” This is similar to the article, the coyotes did help Agustin and the kids but it took a lot longer than expected. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post! I really enjoyed how you were able to find a very personal story and relate it to what Celia may have experienced.

    You communicated to me why Agustin and Ana illegally immigrated; to reunite with their family, however, have you ever thought of why Celia would go through the process of illegal immigration and risk her entire life? Why would she trusts a complete stranger (coyote) to perform a crime? Was it worth it to risk her entire life just to try to escape? How can Celia's reasoning to escape relate to Agustin and Ana's reasoning?
