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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Celia Story - Bryden
This article is of 2 illegal immigrants that boarded what some know as the “the train of death”, or “the beast” to the American border. These immigrants say that the trip itself was probably the worst experience of their lives. One woman that boarded the train talked about the treacherous people that hung around and raped or sexually abused women if they did not have money to take. The ride takes days, sometimes weeks. Most of the ones that were interviewed by BBC reporters say that the ride is much worse for females because of the sexual assault that they go through. This way to cross the Mexican-American border is very dangerous as well, as the trip includes sitting on top of a fast speeding train, possible death of dehydration and hunger, and also dealing with border patrol once the refugees get to the border. 

I think that this trip would be definitely the worst days of my comfy life. I have never gone through anything of such danger and I’m sure many of the people that tried to get past the border in this manner could also say such about this horribly unsafe journey. I would think that the people daring to risk their lives in such a way are extremely desperate for freedom or a new life. I could not understand the pain it would be for Omar (an interviewee of the article) to go on the beast and be sent back to El Salvador, just to go on the beast once more. “Tam Lin says rabbits give up when they're caught by coyotes," Matt said after he'd calmed enough to trust his voice. "He says they consent to die because they're animals and can't understand hope. (House of the Scorpion) I think that this quotation fits in because the people that dare to ride “the beast” are desperate for another chance in life and in many of their situations, without a second chance, they may as well end up dead on the streets.


  1. Interesting post about crossing the American-Mexican border. You could have mentioned the dangers of illegal immigration. How it affects society when people illegally immigrate into a country. Such as, when people illegally immigrate they do not pay taxes. This hinders the countries social programs and economy. In the end, I liked the quote that you chose to use it was well put together.

  2. Good Post bRyDen i liked how you compared your life to how hard theirs is. But you could have gone on about how hard illegal immigration can be (Dangers, Officials and When they get caught). otherwise Ashishinator has all that i was going to say covered.

  3. I like the way you used the quote from the story to strengthen your writing. Also I agree with Ashish that you could have talked about how illegal immigration affects countries such as the US in a negative way.

  4. Good job Bryden I think that you understood the concept fully and you have context and a good article on immigration. You go into full detail on a immigrants journey to the new country and how difficult it is on them and their families. This helps us relate to the immigrants struggle and helps us realize why people would immigrate to the U.S illegally. You should add some more quotes from the book on why Celia wanted to leave for the U.S and how bad it was in Aztlan. Overall you did a very good job on this project.

  5. This good insight into some of the less known fact about illegal immigration. Most people think it's just climbing over a fence but this shows that it's deeper than that. I like that you put a quote in to reinforce your point. I would suggest talking about specific reasons why someone would go through all that trouble

  6. I thought that your blog post was very insightful. You looked at a lot of aspects, and a few reasons why someone would risk their life and go through all of that just for a chance at freedom. One main idea that you missed, however, is that these immigrants gain knowledge of what's over the border solely from others' stories. Many illegal immigrants take that chance for a better life only because they don't know the true story, and the horrors of what can actually happen. Overall, great job!

  7. It's crazy the lengths that people will go to to cross the border. I couldn't imagine going through all of that trouble. It sucks that these people have to go through this instead of being able to just go in legally. Like you said, when people get sent back home, they'll just hop back on the train again, and it doesn't solve the issue at all. What do you think about that?
